一、 实验室简介
纳米催化材料实验室(英文:Laboratory for Nanostructured Catalytic Materials)瞄准“纳米表界面化学”,立足基础研究,直面企业和社会需求,从四个方向开展研究:方向一、从分子水平上理解表界面化学过程,实现纳米催化材料的精准调控;方向二、绿色化工纳米表界面催化剂的中试放大与实际应用;方向三、石墨烯的大规模制备、石墨烯基导电油墨额的开发、氮化硼纳米片的合成及在LED散热中的应用;方向四、环保相关的空气净化材料、电镀废水处理材料、脱硫脱硝材料的大规模应用研究。
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郑南峰,1977年生。厦门大学教授、博导,国家基金杰出青年科学基金获得者,入选中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,能源材料化学协同创新中心副主任,纳米材料制备技术国家地方联合工程研究中心主任。主要从事纳米表界面化学方面的研究,已在Science (3篇)、 Nature、 Nature Mater. (2篇)、 Nature Nanotech (2篇)、 Nature Commun. (8篇)、Sci. Adv.、 J. Am. Chem. Soc. (34篇)、 Angew. Chem. (12篇)、Adv. Mater. (5篇)等国际刊物上发表论文140余篇,被引12000余次,h-指数63。他致力于在分子水平上理解功能材料化学性能调控的本质,以推动相关材料在催化、能源、环保等领域的应用。承担了多个国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和企业合作研发项目,极大地推动了纳米功能材料基础和应用研究的发展。先后荣获美国化学会无机杰出青年科学家奖、中国化学会青年化学奖、日本东京大学Zasshi-kai讲席奖、霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖,中国化学会-英国皇家化学会青年化学奖、教育部青年科学奖等奖项。2016年,获中国青年科技奖,并入选“中国优秀青年科技人才”(全国十名)。2019年入选中组部青年拔尖人才、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、国家百千万入选国家百千万人才工程, 并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。他牵头完成的研究成果“金属纳米材料的表面配位化学”获国家自然科学奖二等奖,教学成果“能源化学研究型人才协同创新培养模式的创建与实践”获国家教学成果奖二等奖。
1. Peng Yuan; Ruihao Chen; Xiaomin Zhang; Fengjiao Chen; Juanzhu Yan; Cunfa Sun; Daohui Ou; Jian Peng; Shuichao Lin; Zichao Tang; Boon K. K. Teo; Lan-Sun Zheng; Nanfeng Zheng* "Ether-soluble Cu53 Nanoclusters as an Effective Precursor of High-quality CuI Films for Optoelectronic Applications" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. accepted.
2. Sharon Mitchell, Ruixuan Qin, Nanfeng Zheng*, Javier Pérez-Ramírez*. "Nanoscale engineering of catalytic materials for sustainable technologies" Nat. Nanotechnol. 2020, doi:10.1038/s41565-020-00799-8.
3. Juanzhu Yan; Boon K. K. Teo; Nanfeng Zheng* "Surface Chemistry of Atomically Precise Coinage-Metal Nanoclusters: From Structural Control to Surface Reactivity and Catalysis" Acc. Chem. Res. accepted.
4. Nanfeng Zheng*, Tao Zhang* "The Preface for Special Topics on Single-Atom Catalysts: single-atom catalysts as a new generation of heterogeneous catalysts", Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, 5, 625.>>Fulltext Link
5. Chaofa Xu,§ Guangxu Chen,§ Yun Zhao, Pengxin Liu, Xinping Duan, Lin Gu, Gang Fu,* Youzhu Yuan,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Interfacing with silica boosts the catalysis of copper" Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 3367. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
6. Juanzhu Yan, Sami Malola, Chengyi Hu, Jian Peng, Birger Dittrich, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Hakkinen,* Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng* "Co-crystallization of atomically precise metal nanoparticles driven by magic atomic and electronic shells" Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 3357. >> Fulltext Link
7. Qin Zhou, Sami Kaappa, Sami Malola, Hui Lu, Dawei Guan,Yajuan Li, Haochen Wang, Zhaoxiong Xie, Zhibo Ma,* Hannu Hakkinen,* Nanfeng Zheng,* Xueming Yang, Lansun Zheng "Real-space imaging with pattern recognition of a ligand-protected Ag374 nanocluster at sub-molecular resolution" Nature Commun. 2018,9, 2948.
8. Pengxin Liu, Yun Zhao, Ruixuan Qin, Lin Gu, Peng Zhang, Gang Fu, Nanfeng Zheng* “A Vicinal Effect for Promoting Catalysis of Pd1/TiO2: Supports of Atomically Dispersed Catalysts Play More Roles than Simply Serving as Ligands” Sci. Bull. 2018, 63, 675-682. >> Fulltext Link
9. Wuyong Zhang, Qing Qin, Lei Dai, Ruixuan Qin, Xiaojing Zhao, Xumao Chen, Daohui Ou, Jie Chen,Tracy T Chuong, Binghui Wu* and Nanfeng Zheng* “Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to CH3OH on hierarchical Pd/SnO2 nanosheets with abundant Pd-O-Sn interfaces” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,9475-9479.
10. Mei Chen, Zhide Guo, Qinghua Chen, Jingping Wei, Jingchao Li, Changrong Shi, Duo Xu, Dawang Zhou, Xianzhong Zhang,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Pd Nanosheets with Surface Coordinated by Radioactive Iodide as a High-Performance Theranostic Nanoagent for Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Imaging and Cancer Therapy" Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 2468. >> Fulltext Link
11. Pengxin Liu, Nanfeng Zheng* “Coordination Chemistry of Atomically Dispersed Catalysts” Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwy051. >> Fulltext Link
12. Juanzhu Yan, Jun Zhang, Xumao Chen, Sami Malola, Bo Zhou, Elli Selenius, Xiaomin Zhang, Peng Yuan, Guocheng Deng, Kunlong Liu, Haifeng Su, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Hakinen,* Lansun Zheng and Nanfeng Zheng* "Thiol-Stabilized Atomically Precise, Superatomic Silver Nanoparticles for Catalyzing Cycloisomerization of Alkynyl Amines" Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwy034 >> Fulltext Link
13. Xiaojing Zhao, Lingyun Zhou, Wuyong Zhang, Chengyi Hu, Lei Dai, Liting Ren, Binghui Wu, Gang Fu,* and Nanfeng Zheng* "Thiol Treatment Creates Selective Palladium Catalysts for Semihydrogenation of Internal Alkynes" Chem 2018, 4, 1080-1091. >> Fulltext Link
14. Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Juanzhu Yan, Ying-Zi Han, Peng Yuan, Chaowei Zhao, Xiting Yuan, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Boon K. Teo*, Hannu Hkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng* From Symmetry Breaking to Unraveling Chirality of Metal Nanoclusters Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, doi: 10.1002/anie.201800327 >> Fulltext Link
15. Jing Cao, Binghui Wu, Ruihao Chen, Youyunqi Wu, Yong Hui, Bing-Wei Mao, Nanfeng Zheng* "Efficient, Hysteresis-free and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells with ZnO as Electron Transport Layer: Effect of Surface Passivation" Adv. Mater. 2018, 1705596. >> Fulltext Link
16. Zongmin Zheng, Lele Lin,Shiguang Mo, Daohui Ou, Jing Tao, Ruixuan Qin, Xiaoliang Fang,* Nanfeng Zheng "Economizing Production of Diverse 2D Layered Metal Hydroxides for Efficient Overall Water Splitting" Small, 2018, 14, 1800759. >> Fulltext Link
17. Jingping Wei, Jingchao Li, Duo Sun, Qi Li, Jinyuan Ma, Xiaolan Chen*, Xuan Zhu, Nanfeng Zheng* “A Novel Theranostic Nanoplatform Based on Pd@Pt-PEG-Ce6 for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy by Modulating Tumor Hypoxia Microenvironment” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1706310. >> Fulltext Link
18. Ruixuan Qin, Pengxin Liu, Gang Fu, Nanfeng Zheng* "Strategies for stabilizing atomically dispersed metal catalysts" Small Methods 2018, 2, 1700286. >> Fulltext Link
19. Nanfeng Zheng, The Preface for Special Issue of "Selective Nanocatalysis" ChemNanoMat, 2018, 4, 431. >> Fulltext Link
20. Huan Li, Chaofa Xu, Xiao-Liang Mu, Peng Zhang, Xian-Ming Zhang,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Acetylene‐Mediated Synthesis of Supported Pt Nanocatalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of Halonitrobenzene" ChemNanoMat, 2018, 4, 518-523. >> Fulltext Link
21. Jun Yin,* Yichuan Lin, Chunquan Zhang, Jing Li,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Growth dynamic controllable rapid crystallization boosts the perovskite photovoltaics’ robust preparation: from blade coating to painting" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, doi:10.1021/acsami.8b05172. >> Fulltext Link
22. Qingyuan Wu, Ruixuan Qin, Dandan Zang, Wuyong Zhang, Binghui Wu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Stabilizing catalytic Pt-OH-Fe(III) interfaces by mesoporous TiO2 with rich surface hydroxyl groups" Acta Chim. Sinica 2018,76(8):617-621 >> Fulltext Link
23. Nanfeng Zheng*, Pengxin Liu "Amine facilitates the synthesis of silica-supported ultrasmall bimetallic nanoparticles" Sci. China Mater. 2018, 61(8):1129-1131 >>Fulltext Link
24. Chengyi Hu,§ Qiuyu Ma,§ Sung-Fu Hung, Zhe-Ning Chen, Daohui Ou, Bin Ren, Hao Ming Chen,* Gang Fu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "In Situ Electrochemical Production of Ultrathin Nickel Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis" Chem 2017, 3, 122-133. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
25. Fei Pei, Lele Lin, Daohui Ou, Zongmin Zheng, Shiguang Mo, Xiaoliang Fang,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Self-supporting sulfur cathodes enabled by two-dimensional carbon yolk-shell nanosheets for high-energy-density lithium-sulfur batteries" Nature. Commun. 2017, 8, 482. >> Fulltext Link
26. Lei Dai, Qing Qin, Pei Wang, Xiaojing Zhao, Chengyi Hu, Pengxin Liu, Ruixuan Qin, Mei Chen, Daohui Ou, Chaofa Xu, Shiguang Mo, Binghui Wu, Gang Fu, Peng Zhang and Nanfeng Zheng* "Ultrastable atomic copper nanosheets for selective electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide" Sci. Adv. 2017, 3, e1701069. >> Fulltext Link
27. Huayan Yang,§ Juanzhu Yan,§ Yu Wang, Guocheng Deng, Haifeng Su, Xiaojing Zhao, Chaofa Xu, Boon K. Teo,* Nanfeng Zheng* "From Racemic Metal Nanoparticles to Optically Pure Enantiomers in One Pot" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 16113-16116.(§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
28. Chaowei Zhao, Ying-Zi Han, Shuqi Dai, Xumao Chen, Juanzhu Yan, Weijie Zhang, Haifeng Su, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Boon K. Teo, Nanfeng Zheng* "Microporous Cyclic Titanium-Oxo Clusters with Labile Surface Ligands" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 16252-16256. >> Fulltext Link
29. Liting Ren,§ Peng Yuan,§ Haifeng Su, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Boon K. Teo,* Hannu Hakkinen,* Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng* "Bulky Surface Ligands Promote Surface Reactivities of [Ag141X12(S-Adm)40]3+ (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanoclusters: Models for Multiple-Twinned Nanoparticles" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13288-13291. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
30. Pengxin Liu, Ruixuan Qin, Gang Fu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Surface coordination chemistry of metal nanomaterials" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2122-2131. >> Fulltext Link
31. Huayan Yang,§ Juanzhu Yan,§ Yu Wang, Hai-Feng Su, Lars Gell, Xiaojing Zhao, Chaofa Xu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Hakkinen, and Nanfeng Zheng "Embryonic Growth of Face-Center-Cubic Silver Nanoclusters Shaped in Nearly Perfect Half-Cubes and Cubes" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 31-34. (§ equal contribution)>> Fulltext Link
32. Qiuyu Ma,§ Chengyi Hu,§ Kunlong Liu, Sung-Fu Hung, Daohui Ou, Hao Ming Chen,* Gang Fu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Identifying the electrocatalytic sites of nickel disulfide in alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction" Nano Energy 2017, 41, 148-153. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
33. Xiaolan Chen,* Saige Shi, Jingping Wei, Mei Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Two-dimensional Pd-based nanomaterials for bioapplications" Sci. Bull. 2017, 62, 579-588.>> Fulltext Link
34. Mei Chen,§ Shuzhen Chen,§ Chengyong He,§ Shiguang Mo, Xiaoyong Wang, Gang Liu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Safety Profile of Two Dimensional Pd Nanosheets for Photothermal Therapy and Photoacoustic Imaging" Nano Res. 2017, 10, 1234-1248. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
35. Xiaojing Zhao,§ Lei Dai,§ Qing Qin, Fei Pei, Chengyi Hu, Nanfeng Zheng* "Self-Supported 3D PdCu Alloy Nanosheets as a Bifunctional Catalyst for Electrochemical Reforming of Ethanol" Small, 2017, 13, 1602970. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
36. Boon K. Teo,* Huayan Yang, Juanzhu Yan, Nanfeng Zheng* "Supercubes, Supersquares, and Superrods of Face-Centered Cubes (FCC): Atomic and Electronic Requirements of [Mm(SR)l(PR′3)8]q Nanoclusters (M = Coinage Metals) and Their Implications with Respect to Nucleation and Growth of FCC Metals" Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 11470-11479. >> Fulltext Link
37. Ruihao Chen, Jing Cao, Youyunqi Wu, Xiaojing Jing, Binghui Wu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Improving Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells by Modifying Mesoporous TiO2–Perovskite Interfaces with Both Aminocaproic and Caproic acids" Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 4, 1700897. >> Fulltext Link
38. Qing Guo, Shiguang Mo, Pengxin Liu, Weidong Zheng, Ruixuan Qin, Chaofa Xu, Youyunqi Wu, Binghui Wu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Air-promoted selective hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanone at low temperature over Pd-based nanocatalysts" Sci. China Chem., 2017, 60, 1444-1449. >>Fulltext Link
39. Xiaolan Chen*, Jingchao Li, Yizhuan Huang, Jingping Wei, Duo Sun, Nanfeng Zheng "The biodistribution, excretion and potential toxicity of different-sized Pd nanosheets in mice following oral and intraperitoneal administration" Biomater. Sci., 2017, 5, 2448-2455. >> Fulltext Link
40. Pengxin Liu,§ Jie Chen,§ Nanfeng Zheng* “Photochemical route for preparingatomically dispersed Pd1/TiO2 catalysts on [001]-exposed anatase nanocrystals and P25” Chin. J. Catal. 2017, 38, 1574-1580. (§equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
41. Lei Huang,§ Juanzhu Yan,§ Liting Ren, Boon K Teo,* and Nanfeng Zheng* “Peculiar holes on checkerboard facets of trigonal prismatic Au9Ag36(SPhCl2)27(PPh3)6 cluster caused by steric hindrance and magic electron count” Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 1757-1760. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
42. Jing-Ping Wei, Xiao-Lan Chen,* Xiao-Yong Wang, Jing-Chao Li, Sai-Ge Shi, Gang Liu,* Nan-Feng Zheng* "Polyethylene glycol phospholipids encapsulated silicon 2,3-naphthalocyanine dihydroxide nanoparticles (SiNcOH-DSPE-PEG(NH2) NPs) for single NIR laser induced cancer combination therapy" Chinese Chem. Lett. 2017, 28, 1290-1299. >> Fulltext Link
43. Yu Wang,§ Haifeng Su,§ Liting Ren,§ Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Boon K. Teo,* Hannu Hakkinen,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Site Preference in Multi-metallic Nanoclusters: Incorporation of alkali-metal ions or copper atoms into alkynyl-protected body-centered-cubic [Au7Ag8(CCtBu)12]+ cluster" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 15152–15156. (§equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
44. Zongmin Zheng, Hongchen Guo, Fei Pei, Xin Zhang, Xinyi Chen, Xiaoliang Fang,* Taihong Wang, and Nanfeng Zheng* "High Sulfur Loading in Hierarchical Porous Carbon Rods Constructed by Vertically Oriented Porous Graphene-Like Nanosheets for Li-S batteries" Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 8952–8959 . >>Fulltext Link
45. Juanzhu Yan, Haifeng Su, Huayan Yang, Chengyi Hu, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Boon K. Teo,* Hannu Hakkinen, Nanfeng Zheng * “Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Bimetallic [Ag28Cu12(SR)24]4- Nanoclusters via Ion Pairing” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 12751–12754. (§equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
46. Huayan Yang,§ Yu Wang,§ Xi Chen, Xiaojing Zhao, Lin Gu, Huaqi Huang, Juanzhu Yan, Chaofa Xu, Gang Li, Junchao Wu, Alison J. Edwards,* Birger Dittrich, Zichao Tang, Dongdong Wang, Lauri Lehtovaara, Hannu H?kkinen* and Nanfeng Zheng* "Plasmonic twinned silver nanoparticles with molecular precision" Nature Commun. 2016, 7, 12809. (§equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
47. Pengxin Liu, Yun Zhao, Ruixuan Qin, Shiguang Mo, Guangxu Chen, Lin Gu, Daniel M. Chevrier, Peng Zhang, Qing Guo, Dandan Zang, Binghui Wu, Gang Fu*, Nanfeng Zheng* "Photochemical route for synthesizing atomically dispersed palladium catalysts" Science, 2016, 352, 797-801. >>Fulltext Link
48. Guangxu Chen, Chaofa Xu, Xiaoqing Huang, Jinyu Ye, Lin Gu, Gang Li, Zichao Tang, Binghui Wu, Huayan Yang, Zipeng Zhao, Zhiyou Zhou, Gang Fu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Interfacial Electronic Effects Control the Reaction Selectivity of Platinum Catalysts" Nature Mater. 2016, 15, 564-569. >>Fulltext Link
49. Lei Dai,§ Qing Qin,§ Xiaojing Zhao, Chaofa Xu, Chengyi Hu, Shiguang Mo, Yu Olivia Wang, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Nanfeng Zheng* "Electrochemical Partial Reforming of Ethanol into Ethyl Acetate Using Ultrathin Co3O4 Nanosheets as a Highly Selective Anode Catalyst" ACS Central Science 2016, 2, 538-544. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
50. Jing Cao,§ Xiaojing Jing,§ Juanzhu Yan, Chengyi Hu, Ruihao Chen, Jun Yin, Jing Li,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Identifying the Molecular Structures of Intermediates for Optimizing the Fabrication of High-Quality Perovskite Films" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 9919-9926. (§ equal contribution) >> Fulltext Link
51. Yu Wang, Xian-Kai Wan, Liting Ren, Haifeng Su, Gang Li, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Hannu Hakkinen, Boon K Teo, Quan-Ming Wang,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Atomically Precise Alkynyl-Protected Metal Nanoclusters as a Model Catalyst: Observation of Promoting Effect of Surface Ligands on Catalysis by Metal Nanoparticles" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 3278-3281. >>Fulltext Link
52. Fei Pei, Taihua An, Jun Zang, Xiaojing Zhao, Xiaoliang Fang,* Minseng Zheng, Quanfeng Dong and Nanfeng Zheng* "From Hollow Carbon Spheres to N-doped Hollow Porous Carbon Bowls: Rational Design of Hollow Carbon Host for Li-S Batteries" Adv. Energy Mater., 2016, 6, 1502539 >>Fulltext Link
53. Jing Cao, Shiguang Mo, Xiaojing Jing, Jun Yin, Jing Li, and Nanfeng Zheng* "Trace Surface-Clean Palladium Nanosheets as a Conductivity Enhancer in Hole-Transporting Layers to Improve Overall Performances of Perovskite Solar Cells" Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 3274-3277. >>Fulltext Link
54. Lei Dai, Yun Zhao, Qing Qin, Xiaojing Zhao, Chaofa Xu, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Synthesis of Ultrathin PtCu Alloy Nanosheets and Their Enhanced Catalysis” ChemNanoMat, 2016, 2, 776–780.>>Fulltext Link
55. Lei Dai, Shiguang Mo, Qing Qin, Xiaojing Zhao, Nanfeng Zheng* "Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Synthesis of Ultrathin PtCu3 Alloy Wavy Nanowires and Their Enhanced Electrocatalysis" Small, 2016, 12, 1572-1577. >>Fulltext Link
56. Saige Shi, Xiaolan Chen,* Jingping Wei, Yizhuan Huang, Jian Weng,* and Nanfeng Zheng* "Platinum (IV) Prodrug Conjugated Pd@Au Nanoplates for Chemotherapy and Photothermal therapy" Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5706-5713. >>Fulltext Link
57. Chengyi Hu, Xiaoliang Mu, Jingmin Fan, Haibin Ma, Xiaojing Zhao, Guangxu Chen, Zhiyou Zhou and Nanfeng Zheng* "Interfacial Effects in PdAg Bimetallic Nanosheets for Selective Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid" ChemNanoMat 2016, 2, 28-32. (VIP article) >>Fulltext Link
58. Dandan Zang, Huaqi Huang, Ruixuan Qin, Xingli Wang, Xiaoliang Fang*, Nanfeng Zheng * “A facile one-pot synthesis of supercubes of Pt nanocubes” Sci. China Chem., 2016, 59, 452-458. >>Fulltext Link
59. Juanzhu Yan, Haifeng Su, Huayan Yang, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin,* Hannu Hakinen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Total Structure and Electronic Structure Analysis of Doped Thiolated Silver [MAg24(SR)18]2- (M = Pd, Pt) Clusters" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 11880–11883. >>Fulltext Link
60. Jing Cao,§ Yu-Min Liu,§ Xiaojing Jing, Jun Yin, Jing Li, Bin Xu, Yuan-Zhi Tan,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Well-Defined Thiolated Nanographene as Hole-Transporting Material for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 10914–10917. (§equal contribution) >>Fulltext Link
61. Yu Wang , Haifeng Su , Chaofa Xu , Gang Li , Lars Gell , Shuichao Lin , Zichao Tang , Hannu Hakkinen , and Nanfeng Zheng* "An Intermetallic Au24Ag20 Superatom Nanocluster Stabilized by Labile Ligands" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4324–4327. >>Fulltext Link
62. Li Zhao, Chaofa Xu, Haifeng Su, Jinghong Liang, Shuichao Lin, Lin Gu, Xingli Wang, Mei Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* "Single-Crystalline Rhodium Nanosheets with Atomic Thickness" Adv. Sci. 2015, 2, 1500100. >>Fulltext Link
63. Jingping Wei, Xiaolan Chen,* Saige Shi, Shiguang Mo and Nanfeng Zheng* "Investigation of the mimetic enzyme activity of two-dimensional Pd-based nanostructures" Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 19018-19026. >>Fulltext
64. Zongmin Zheng, Xin Zhang, Fei Pei, Yan Dai, Xiaoliang Fang,* Taihong Wang and Nanfeng Zheng* "Hierarchical Porous Carbon Microrods Composed of Vertically Aligned Graphene-like Nanosheets for Li-ion Batteries" J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 19800-19806. >> Fulltext Link
65. Xiaojing Zhao,§ Yun Zhao,§ Gang Fu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Origin of the facet-dependent hydrogenation of olefins catalyzed by Pd nanocrystals: experiment and theory" Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 12016-12019. (§equal contribution) >>Fulltext Link
66. Jing Cao, Jun Yin, Shangfu Yuan, Yun Zhao, Jing Li, Nanfeng Zheng* "Thoils as interfacial modifiers to enhance the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells" Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 9443-9447. >>Fulltext Link
67. Shiguang Mo, Xiaolan Chen,* Mei Chen, Caiyun He, Yinghua Lu and Nanfeng Zheng*, “Two-dimensional Antibaterial Pd@Ag Nanosheets with a Synergetic Effect of Plasmonic Heating and Ag+ Release” J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 6255-6260. >>Fulltext Link
68. Saige Shi, Yizhuan Huang, Xiaolan Chen,* Jian Weng, Nanfeng Zheng* "Optimization of surface coating on small Pd nanosheets for in vivo near-infrared photothermal therapy of tumor" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 14369–14375. >>Fulltext Link
69. Huan Li*, Guangxu Chen, Paul N. Duchesne, Peng Zhang, Yan Dai, Huayan Yang, Jyh-Fu Lee, Soofin Cheng, Binghui Wu, Shengjie Liu, Chaofa Xu, Nanfeng Zheng* "A nanoparticulate polyacetylene-supported Pd(II) catalyst combining the advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts" Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 36, 1560-1572. >> Fulltext Link
70. Jun Zang, Taihua An, Yajie Dong, Xiaoliang Fang*, Mingsen Zheng, Quanfeng Dong and Nanfeng Zheng* "Hollow-in-Hollow Carbon Spheres with Hollow Foam-Like Cores for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries" Nano Res. 2015, 8, 2663-2675. >>Fulltext Link
71. Yizhuan Huang, Xiaolan Chen*, Saige Shi, Mei Chen, Shaoheng Tang, Shiguang Mo, JingpingWei, Zheng Nanfeng* "Effect of Glutathione on in vivo Biodistribution and Clearance of Surface-Modified Small Pd Nanosheets" Sci. China Chem., 2015, 58, 1753-1758. >>Fulltext Link
72. Shaoheng Tang, Mei Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Multifunctional Ultrasmall Pd Nanosheets for Enhanced Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy and Chemotherapy of Cancer" Nano Res. 2015, 8, 165-174. >>Fulltext Link
73. Guangxu Chen, Yun Zhao, Gang Fu,* Paul N. Duchesne, Lin Gu,* Yanping Zheng, Xuefei Weng, Mingshu Chen, Peng Zhang, Chih-Wen Pao, Jyh-Fu Lee, Nanfeng Zheng* "Interfacial Effects in Iron-Nickel Hydroxide Platinum Nanoparticles Enhance Catalytic Oxidation" Science 2014, 344, 495-499. >>Fulltext Link
74. Mei Chen, Shaoheng Tang, Zhide Guo, Xiaoyong Wang, Shiguang Mo, Xiaoqing Huang, Gang Liu,* Nanfeng Zheng* "Core-Shell Pd@Au Nanoplates as Theranostic Agents for in vivo Photoacoustic Imaging, CT Imaging and Photothermal Therapy" Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 8210-8216. >>Fulltext Link
75. Chengyi Hu, Kaiqiang Lin, Xingli Wang, Shengjie Liu, Jun Yi, Yu Tian, Binghui Wu, Guangxu Chen, Huayan Yang, Yan Dai, Huan Li, and Nanfeng Zheng*?"Electrostatic Self-Assembly Formation of Pd Superlattice Nanowires from Surfactant-Free Ultrathin Pd Nanosheets" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 12856–12859. >>Fulltext Link
76. Huayan Yang,§ Yu Wang,§ Juanzhu Yan,Xi Chen, Xin Zhang, Hannu Hakinen,and Nanfeng Zheng* “Structural Evolution of Atomically Precise Thiolated Bimetallic [Au12+nCu32(SR)30+n]4- (n=0, 2, 4, 6) Nanoclusters" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 7197-7200. (§equal contribution) >>Fulltext Link
77. Yan Dai, Shengjie Liu, and Nanfeng Zheng* "C2H2 Treatment as a Facile Method to Boost the Catalysis of Pd Nanoparticulate Catalysts" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 5583–5586. >>Fulltext Link
78. HuayanYang,§ Yu Wang,§ Alison J.Edwards, JuanzhuYan, and Nanfeng Zheng* "High-yield synthesis and crystal structure of a green Au30 cluster co-capped by thiolate and sulfide" Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14325-14327. (§equal contribution) >>Fulltext Link
79. Shaoheng Tang, Mei Chen and Nanfeng Zheng* "Sub-10-nm Pd Nanosheets with Renal Clearance for Efficient Near-Infrared Photothermal Cancer Therapy" Small, 2014, 10, 3139–3144. >>Fulltext Link
80. Xingli Wang, Binghui Wu, Guangxu Chen, Yun Zhao, Pengxin Liu, Yan Dai and Nanfeng Zheng* "A hydride-induced reduction strategy for fabricating palladium-based core-shell bimetallic nanocrystals" Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 6798-6804. >>Fulltext Link
81. Xiaoliang Fang,* Jun Zang, Xingli Wang, Ming-Sen Zheng and Nanfeng Zheng* "A multiple coating route to hollow carbon spheres with foam-like shells and their applications in supercapacitor and confined catalysis" J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 6191-6197 >>Fulltext Link
82. Xin Zhang,§ Huayan Yang,§ Xiaojing Zhao, Yu Wang, Nanfeng Zheng "The Effects of Surface Ligands and Counter Cations on the Stability of Anionic Thiolated M12Ag32 (M=Au,Ag) Nanoclusters" Chinese Chem. Lett. 2014, 25, 839-843. (§equal contribution) >>Fulltext Link
83. Binghui Wu, Shaoheng Tang, Mei Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* " Amphiphilic Modification and Asymmetric Silica Encapsulation of Hydrophobic Au-Fe3O4Dumbbell Nanoparticles" Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 174–176. >>Fulltext Link
84. Liming Nie, Mei Chen, Xiaolian Sun, Pengfei Rong, Nanfeng Zheng, Xiaoyuan Chen "Palladium nanosheets as highly stable and effective contrast agents for in vivo photoacoustic molecular imaging" Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1271-1276 >>Fulltext Link
85. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Huaqi Huang, Lars Gell, Lauri Lehtovaara, Sami Malola, Hannu Hakkinen,* Nanfeng Zheng* "All-Thiol-Stabilized Ag44 and Au12Ag32Nanoparticles with Single-Crystal Structures" Nature Commun. 2013, 4, 2422. >>Fulltext Link
86. Huan Li, Guangxu Chen, Huayan Yang, Xingli Wang, Jinghong Liang, Pengxin Liu, Mei Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Surface-Clean Ultrathin Palladium Nanosheets by Simply Mixing a Dinuclear Pd(I) Carbonyl Chloride Complex with H2O" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 8368-8372 (hot paper). >>Fulltext Link
87. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Jing Lei, Lei Shi, Xiaohu Wu, Ville P. Makinen, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Jian He, Hannu J. Hakkinen, Lan-Sun Zheng, and Nanfeng Zheng* "Ligand-stabilized Au13Cux (x = 2, 4, 8) Bimetallic Nanoclusters: Ligand-engineering to Control the Exposure of Metal Sites" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 9568–9571. >>Fulltext Link
88. Binghui Wu, Nanfeng Zheng* “Surface and Interface Control of Noble Metal Nanocrystals for Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Applications” Nano Today2013,8,168-197. >>Fulltext Link (Free Access)
89. Huayan Yang, Jing Lei, Binghui Wu, Yu Wang, Meng Zhou, Andong Xia, Lansun Zheng, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Crystal structure of a luminescent thiolated Ag nanocluster with an octahedral Ag64+ core” Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 300-302.>>Fulltext Link
90. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Stabilizing Subnanometer Ag(0) Nanoclusters by Thiolate and Diphosphine Ligands and Their Crystal Structures” Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2674-2677. >>Fulltext Link
91. Guangxu Chen, Huayan Yang, Binghui Wu, Yanping Zheng and Nanfeng Zheng* "Supported monodisperse Pt nanoparticles from [Pt3(CO)3(μ2-CO)3]52-clusters for investigating support–Pt interface effect in catalysis" Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 12699-12705. >>Fulltext Link
92. Xiaoliang Fang,* Shengjie Liu, Jun Zang, Chaofa Xu, Ming-Sen Zheng, Quan-Feng Dong, Daohua Sun and Nanfeng Zheng* "Precisely controlled resorcinol–formaldehyde resin coating for fabricating core–shell, hollow, and yolk–shell carbon nanostructures" Nanoscale 2013, 5, 6908-6916. >>Fulltext Link
93. Binghui Wu, Huayan Yang, Huaqi Huang, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* "Solvent effect on the synthesis of monodisperse amine-capped Au nanoparticles" Chinese Chemical Letters 2013, 24,457-462. Fulltext Link>>
94. Pengxin Liu, Mei Chen, Cheng Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Xiaolan Chen and Nanfeng Zheng* "An iron silicate based pH-sensitive drug delivery system utilizing coordination bonding" J. Mater. Chem. B 2013,1, 2837-2842 >>Fulltext Link
95. Xiaojing Zhao, Xiaoliang Fang, Binghui Wu, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng* “Facile synthesis of size-tunable ZIF-8 nanocrystals using reverse micelles as nanoreactors” Science China-Chemistry, 2013, 57 141-146. >>Fulltext Link
96. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Ming Ma, Qingji Xie,* Nanfeng Zheng,* Shouzhuo Yao “Synthesis of Ultrathin Nitrogen-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nanocages as Advanced Electrode Materials” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013,5,2241-2248. >>Fulltext Link
97. Paul N Duchesne, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng, Peng Zhang "Local Structure, Electronic Behavior, and Electrocatalytic Reactivity of CO-Reduced Platinum–Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 26324-26333. >>Fulltext Link
98. Kin Man Au, Mei Chen, Steven Armes* and Nanfeng Zheng* “Near-infrared light-triggered irreversible aggregation of poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate)-stabilised polypyrrole nanoparticles under biologically relevant conditions” Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 10525-10527. >>Fulltext Link
99. Xiaolan Chen,* Zengxia Zhao, Mengying Jiang, Daiping Que, Saige Shia and Nanfeng Zheng* "Preparation and photodynamic therapy application of NaYF4:Yb, Tm–NaYF4:Yb, Er multifunctional upconverting nanoparticles" New J. Chem. 2013,37, 1782-1788, This article is part of themed collection: 崛起的中国—Hello from China! >>Fulltext Link
100. Zhaohui Liu, Xiaoliang Fang, Cheng Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* “Pd Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Hollow Mesoporous Aluminosilica Nanospheres as an Efficient Catalyst for Multistep Reactions and Size-Selective Hydrogenation” Acta Chimica Sinica 2013, 71,334-338. >>Fulltext Link
101. Xiaoliang Fang, Xiaojing Zhao, Weijun Fang, Cheng Chen and Nanfeng Zheng* “Self-templating synthesis of hollow mesoporous silica and their applications in catalysis and drug delivery” Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2205-2218. >>Fulltext Link
102. Cheng Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Binghui Wu, Liujun Huang, Nanfeng Zheng*. "A Multi-Yolk–Shell Structured Nanocatalyst Containing Sub-10 nm Pd Nanoparticles in Porous CeO2" ChemCatChem. 2012, 4, 1578-1586.
103. Weijun Fang, Shaoheng Tang, Pengxin Liu, Xiaoliang Fang, Jiawei Gong and Nanfeng Zheng* “Pd Nanosheets-Covered Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as a Platform for Chemo-Photothermal Treatment of Cancer Cells” Small 2012, 8, 3816–3822.
104. Binghui Wu, Huayan Yang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Shape Control of Pd and Pt Nanocrystals” SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica, 2012, 42, 1525–1539
105. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Qingji Xie “Facile Synthesis of Manganese Oxide-Containing Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Efficient Oxygen Reduction” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 4584-4591.
106. Mei Chen, Xiaoliang Fang, Shaoheng Tang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Polypyrrole nanoparticles for high-performance in vivo near-infrared photothermal cancer therapy” Chem. Commun.. 2012, 48, 8934 - 8936 >>Fulltext Link
107. Xiaoliang Fang, Zhaohui Liu, Ming-Feng Hsieh, Mei Chen, Pengxin Liu, Cheng Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Hollow Mesoporous Aluminosilica Spheres with Perpendicular Pore Channels as Catalytic Nanoreactors” ACS Nano 2012, 6, 4434–4444. >>Fulltext Link
108. Yan Dai, Yueming Tan, Nanfeng Zheng* and Gang Fu* “Carbon Monoxide-Assisted Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Pd Tetrapod Nanocrystals through Hydride Formation” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 7073–7080. >>Fulltext Link
109. Yueming Tan, Chaofa Xu, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Qingji Xie “Graphene-platinum nanoparticles-ionic liquid composite catalyst for methanol-tolerant oxygen reduction reaction’’ Energy & Environ. Sci. 2012, 5, 6923–6927. >>Fulltext Link
110. Binghui Wu, Huaqi Huang, Jing Yang, Nanfeng Zheng,* Gang Fu* “ Selective Hydrogenation of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes Catalyzed by Amine-Capped Platinum-Cobalt Nanocrystals” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 3440-3443.
111. Zengxia Zhao, Yuning Han, Chenghong Lin, Dong Hu, Fang Wang, Xiaolan Chen,* Zhong Chen, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Multifunctional Core–Shell Upconverting Nanoparticles for Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy of Liver Cancer Cells” Chem. Asian J. 2012, 7, 830-837
112. Fei Pei, Lele Lin, Ang Fu, Shiguang Mo, Daohui Ou, Xiaoliang Fang,* and Nanfeng Zheng* "Two-Dimensional Porous Carbon Modified Separator for High-Energy-Density Li-S Batteries" Joule 2018, 2, 323-336. >> Fulltext Link
113. Mei Chen, Binghui Wu, Jing Yang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Small-Adsorbate Assisted Shape Control of Pd and Pt Nanocrystals” Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 862–879. >>Fulltext Link
114. Weijun Fang, Jing Yang, Jiawei Gong, Nanfeng Zheng “Photo- and pH -Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs from Mesoporous Silica-coated Pd@Ag Nanoparticles” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 842-848.
115. Zhi-You Zhou, Shu-Jing Shang, Na Tian, Bing-Hui Wu, Nan-Feng Zheng, Bin-Bin Xu, Chi Chen, Hong-Hui Wang, Dong-Mei Xiang, Shi-Gang Sun “Shape transformation from Pt nanocubes to tetrahexahedra with size near 10 nm” Electrochem. Commun. 2012, 22, 61-64.
116. Guangxu Chen, Yueming Tan, Binghui Wu, Gang Fu, * and Nanfeng Zheng* “Carbon monoxide-controlled synthesis of surface-clean Pt nanocubes with high electrocatalytic activity” Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 2758 – 2760. >>Fulltext Link
117. Xiaoqing Huang, Shaoheng Tang, Xiaoliang Mu, Yan Dai, Guangxu Chen, Zhiyou Zhou, Fangxiong Ruan, Zhilin Yang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Freestanding palladium nanosheets with plasmonic and catalytic properties” Nature Nanotech. 2011, 6, 28-32. >>Fulltext Link
118. Xiaoqing Huang, Zipeng Zhao, Jingmin Fan, Yueming Tan, and Nanfeng Zheng* “Amine-Assisted Synthesis of Concave Polyhedral Platinum Nanocrystals Having {411} High-Index Facets” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4718–4721. >>Fulltext Link
119. Xiaoqing Huang, Shaoheng Tang, Jing Yang, Yueming Tan, Nanfeng Zheng* “Etching Growth Under Surface Confinement: An Effective Strategy to Prepare Mesocrystalline Pd Nanocorolla” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 15946–15949. >>Fulltext Link
120. Xiaoqing Huang, Shaoheng Tang, Biju Liu, Bin Ren, Nanfeng Zheng* “Enhancing the Photothermal Stability of Plasmonic Metal Nanoplates by a Core-Shell Architecture” Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 3420-3425. >>Full Text
121. Xiaoliang Fang, Cheng Chen, Zhaohui Liu, Pengxin Liu, Nanfeng Zheng,* “A cationic surfactant assisted selective etching strategy to hollow mesoporous silica spheres” Nanoscale 2011, 3, 1632-1639. >>Fulltext Link
122. Binghui Wu, Nanfeng Zheng,* Gang Fu* “Small Molecules Control the Formation of Pt Nanocrystals: A Key Role of Carbon Monoxide in the Synthesis of Pt Nanocubes” Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 1039 -1041. >>Fulltext Link
123. Shaoheng Tang, Xiaoqing Huang, Nanfeng Zheng* “Silica Coating Improves the Efficacy of Pd Nanosheets for Photothermal Therapy of Cancer Cells Using Near Infrared Laser” Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 3948-3950. >>Fulltext Link
124. Fang Wang, Xiaolan Chen,* Shaoheng Tang, Xiaoqing Huang, Zengxia Zhao, Nanfeng Zheng* “Synthesis of Magnetic, Fluorescent, and Mesoporous Core-Shell –Structured Nanoparticles for Imaging, Targeting and Photodynamic Therapy” J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 11244-11252. >>Fulltext Link
125. Yueming Tan, Jingmin Fan, Guangxu Chen, Nanfeng Zheng,* Qingji Xie “Au/Pt and Au/Pt3Ni nanowires as self-supported electrocatalysts with high activity and durability for oxygen reduction reaction” Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 11624-11626. >>Fulltext Link
126. Weijun Fang, Xiaolan Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* “Superparamagnetic Core-Shell Polymer Particles for Efficient Purification of His-Tagged Proteins” J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 8624-8630. >>Fulltext Link
127. Shaoheng Tang, Xiaoqing Huang, Xiaolan Chen, Nanfeng Zheng* “Hollow Mesoporous Zirconia Nanocapsules for Drug Delivery” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 2442-244.
128. Xiaomin Liu, Huayan Yang, Nanfeng Zheng,* Lansun Zheng “Bromide-Induced Formation of a Highly Symmetric Silver Thiolate Cluster Containing 36 Silver Atoms from an Infinite Polymeric Silver Thiolate” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 2084–2087.
129. Binghui Wu, Hai Zhang, Cheng Chen, Shuichao Lin, Nanfeng Zheng* “Interfacial Activation of Catalytically Inert Au (6.7 nm)–Fe3O4 Dumbbell Nanoparticles for CO Oxidation” Nano Research 2009, 2, 975-983.
130. Xiaoqing Huang, Huihui Zhang, Changyou Guo, Zhiyou Zhou, Nanfeng Zheng* "Simplifying the Creation of Hollow Metallic Nanostructures: One-Pot Synthesis of Hollow Palladium/Platinum Single-Crystalline Nanocubes" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 4808-4812.
131. Xiaoqing Huang, Shaoheng Tang, Huihui Zhang, Zhiyou Zhou, Nanfeng Zheng* "Controlled Formation of Concave Tetrahedral/Trigonal Bipyramidal Palladium Nanocrystals" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 13916–13917.>>Fulltext Link
132. Xiaoqing Huang, Nanfeng Zheng* "One-Pot, High-Yield Synthesis of 5-Fold Twinned Pd Nanowires and Nanowires" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 4602–4603. >>Fulltext Link
133. Xiaoqing Huang, Changyou Guo, Jinquan Zuo, Nanfeng Zheng,* Galen D. Stucky* "An Assembly Route to Inorganic Catalytic Nanoreactors Containing Sub-10 nm Gold Nanoparticles with Anti-Aggregation Property" Small 2009, 5, 361–365.
134. Jie Fan,* Yihu Dai, Yunlong Li, Nanfeng Zheng, Junfang Guo, Xiaoqing Yan, Galen D. Stucky* “Low-Temperature, Highly Selective, Gas-Phase Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol over Mesoporous K-Cu-TiO2 with Stable Copper(I) Oxidation State” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 15568-15569.
135. Binghui Wu, Changyou Guo, Nanfeng Zheng*, Zhaoxiong Xie, Galen D. Stucky* "Nonaqueous Production of Nanostructured Anatase with High-Energy Facets" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 17563-17567. >>Fulltext Link
136. Zheng, Nanfeng; Stucky, Galen D* "Promoting gold nanocatalysts in solvent-free selective aerobic oxidation of alcohols" `Chem. Commun. 2007, 3862-3864.
137. Zheng, Nanfeng; Zhang, Jian; Bu, Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Cadmium-Porphyrin Coordination Networks: Rich Coordination Modes and Three-Dimensional Four-Connected CdSO4 and (3,5)-Connected hms Nets" Cryst. Growth Des. 2007, 7, 2576-2581.
138. Shi, Qihui; An, Zesheng; Tsung, Chia-Kuang; Liang, Hongjun; Zheng, Nanfeng; Hawker, Craig J.; Stucky, Galen D.* "Ice-templating of core/shell microgel fibers through 'bricks-and-mortar' assembly" Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 4539-4543.
139. Baker, Sarah E.; Sawvel, April M.; Zheng, Nanfeng; Stucky, Galen D* "Controlling Bioprocesses with Inorganic Surfaces: Layered Clay Hemostatic Agents" Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 4390-4392.
140. Zheng, Nanfeng; Stucky, Galen D.* "A General Synthetic Strategy for Oxide-Supported Metal Nanoparticle Catalysts" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 14278-14280.
141. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu, Xianhui; Lauda, Jason; Feng, Pingyun* "Zero- and Two-Dimensional Organization of Tetrahedral Cadmium Chalcogenide Clusters with Bifunctional Covalent Linkers" Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 4307-4311.
142. Zheng, Nanfeng; Fan; Jie; Stucky, Galen D.* "One-Step One-Phase Synthesis of Monodisperse Noble-Metallic Nanoparticles and Their Colloidal Crystals" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 6550-6551.
143. Zheng, Nanfeng; Lu, Haiwei; Bu, Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Metal-Chelate-Dye Controlled Organization of Cd32S14(SPh)404- Nanoclusters into Three-Dimensional Molecular and Covalent Open Architecture" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 4528-4529.
144. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu, Xianhui; Lu, Haiwei; Chen, Lan; Feng, Pingyun* "One-Dimensional Assembly of Chalcogenide Nanoclusters with Bifunctional Covalent Linkers" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 14990-14991.
145. Xie, Jingli; Bu,Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Feng, Pingyun* "One-dimensional coordination polymers containing penta-supertetrahedral sulfide clusters linked by dipyridyl ligands" Chem. Commun. 2005, 4916-4918.
146. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Lu, Haiwei; Zhang, Qichun; Feng, Pingyun* "Crystalline Superlattices from Single-Sized Quantum Dots" J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 11963-11965.
147. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu, Xianhui; Vu, Hiep; Feng, Pingyun* "Two-dimensional organization of [ZnGe3S9(H2O)]4– supertetrahedral clusters templated by a metal complex" Chem. Comm. 2005, 2805-2807.
148. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Vu, Hiep; Feng, Pingyun* "Open-framework chalcogenides as visible-light photocatalyst for hydrogen generation from water" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 5299-5303.
149. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Na5In7S13·6H2O, a zeolite-like structure containing unusual SIn4 tetrehedra" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127,5286-5287.
150. Feng, Pingyun*; Bu, Xianhui*; Zheng, Nanfeng "The Interface Chemistry between Chalcogenide Clusters and Open Framework Chalcogenides" Acc. Chem. Res. 2005, 38, 293-303.
151. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu, Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Penta-Supertetrahedral Clusters as Building Blocks for Three-Dimensional Sulfide Superlattice" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4753-4755.
152. Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Feng, Pingyun* "Tetrahedral Chalcogenide Clusters and Open Frameworks" Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 3356-3362.
153. Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Wang, Xiqing; Wang, Bing; Feng, Pingyun* "Three-Dimensional Frameworks of Gallium Selenide Supertetrahedral Clusters" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 1502-1505.
154. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu, Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Synthetic design of crystalline inorganic chalcogenides exhibiting fast-ion conductivity" Nature 2003, 426, 428-432 (Cover Story).
155. Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Li, Yuqi; Feng, Pingyun* "Templated Assembly of Sulfide Nanoclusters into Cubic-C3N4 Type Framework." J. Am. Chem. Soc.2003, 125, 6024-6025.
156. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Nonaqueous Synthesis and Selective Crystallization of Gallium Sulfide Clusters into Three-Dimensional Photoluminescent Superlattices" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 1138-1139.
157. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Wang, Bing; Feng, Pingyun* "Microporous and Photoluminescent Chalcogenide Zeolite Analogs" Science 2002, 298, 2366-2369.
158. Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Li, Yuqi, Feng, Pingyun* "Pushing Up the Size Limit of Chalcogenide Supertetrahedral Clusters: Two- and Three-Dimensional Photoluminescent Open Frameworks from T5 (Cu5In30S54)13- Nanoclusters." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 12646-12647.
159. Wang, Cheng; Bu,Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Feng, Pingyun* "Nanocluster with One Missing Core Atom: A Three-Dimensional Hybrid Superlattice Built from Dual-Sized Supertetrahedral Clusters." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 10268-10269.
160. Zheng, Nanfeng; Bu,Xianhui; Feng, Pingyun* "Self-Assembly of Novel Dye Molecules and [Cd8(SPh)12]4+ Cubic Clusters into Three-Dimensional Photoluminescent Superlattice." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 9688-9689.
161. Wang, Cheng; Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Feng, Pingyun* "Indium Selenide Superlattices from (In10Se18)6- Supertetrahedral Clusters." Chem. Commun.2002, 1344-1345.
162. Wang, Cheng; Bu, Xianhui; Zheng, Nanfeng; Feng, Pingyun* "A Three-dimensional Open Framework Indium Telluride and Its Selenide and Sulfide Analogues." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41,1959-1961.
163. Huang, Rong-Bin*; Lu, Xin; Zheng, Nan-Feng; Zou, You-Si; Deng, Shun-Liu; Zhong, Hui-Ping; Xie, Su-Yuan; Long, La-Sheng; Zheng, Lan-Sun* “Synthesis, structural characterization and ab initio calculation of dipyridyltetraazathiapentalene: a highly conjugative polycyclic molecule with hypervalent N-S-N bond.” Journal of Molecular Structure 2002, 610, 265-270.
164. Wang,C.; Li,Y.; Bu,X.; Zheng, N. Zivkovic, O.; Yang,C.; Feng, P. * "Three-dimensional Superlattices Built from (M4In16S33)10- (M = Mn, Co, Zn, Cd) Supertetrahedral Clusters." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 11506-11507.
165. Huang, Rong-Bin*; Zheng, Nan-Feng; Xie, Su-Yuan; Zheng, Lan-Sun* “C-H... p interaction and N…H-O hydrogen bonding in the chair-like p-tert-butylcalix[8]arene complex including four pyridine molecules.” Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 2001, 40, 121-124.
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19 一种大负载量的原子分散催化剂的制备方法 中国 ZL201610156677.3 2018.4.24 郑南峰,刘朋昕,莫世广,秦瑞轩
20 一种表面富羟基无机吸附材料的制备方法与应用 中国 ZL201510453928.X 2018.4.24 郑南峰,陶静,方晓亮
21 一种含铜材料的表面处理方法 中国 ZL201710751393.3 2019.11.01 郑南峰,吴炳辉,彭健,方晓亮,代磊,钦青
22 一种耐腐蚀铜电线的制备方法 中国 ZL201710751521.4 2019.11.01 郑南峰,郝树强,彭健,吴炳辉,方晓亮
23 一种耐腐蚀的铜合金表面处理方法 中国 ZL201710750568.9 2019.11.01 郑南峰,郝树强,彭健,吴炳辉,方晓亮
24 一种钯炭催化剂的制备方法 中国 ZL201710059424.9 2019.11.01 郑南峰,江春珂,刘圣杰
25 一种钯纳米催化剂的表面修饰方法及催化应用 中国 ZL201710794903.5 2020.03.27 陈洁,刘圣杰,赵小静,郑南峰
26 一种抗氧化的铜纳米线的制备方法 中国 ZL201710752263.1 2019.04.02 郑南峰,彭健,吴炳辉,方晓亮,符昂
27 一种抗氧化铜系导电油墨的制备方法 中国 ZL201710752246.8 2020.03.10 郑南峰,张鑫,吴炳辉,方晓亮,曹昉
28 一种抗氧化的铜-石墨烯复合导电油墨及其制备方法 中国 ZL201710750564.0 2020.03.06 郑南峰,曹昉,吴炳辉,方晓亮,张鑫
29 一种铜材料抗氧化的电化学处理方法 中国 ZL201810940364.6 2019.12.03 郑南峰,彭健,吴炳辉,毛和旭,郝树强,符昂
30 一种复合电子传输层结构的钙钛矿太阳能电池 中国 ZL201711333195.1 2020.01.14 郑南峰,陈睿豪,曹靖,吴炳辉
31 一种核壳结构钯铜催化剂及其制备方法与催化应用 中国 ZL201810904249.3 2020.06.05 郑南峰,刘锟隆,陈洁,刘圣杰
32 一种原子级分散钯铜催化剂及其制备方法与催化运用 中国 ZL201810903621.9 2020.06.15 郑南峰,刘锟隆,陈洁,刘圣杰
33 一种硫化复合电子传输层结构的钙钛矿太阳能电池 中国 ZL201711331385.X 2020.06.30 郑南峰,陈睿豪,曹靖,吴炳辉
34 一种1,4—二氨基蒽醌的绿色合成方法 中国 ZL201910154300.8 2020.10.02 郑南峰,汪小楚,刘圣杰,陈洁
35 一种经修饰的钯碳催化剂、其制备方法及应用 中国 ZL201910815907.6 2020.09.18 郑南峰,李志恺,刘圣杰,陈洁
36 一种合成二氯苯的方法 中国 ZL201910695281.X 2020.10.16 郑南峰,吴康宁,荆文彤,刘圣杰,陈洁
37 一种以铜为催化剂的氯代芳香化合物(R1-X?m)的脱氯方法 中国 ZL201910695219.0 2020.10.27 郑南峰,荆文彤,吴康宁,刘圣杰,陈洁
38 一种石墨烯电磁屏蔽膜及其制备方法 中国 ZL201910470072.5 2020.10.27 郑南峰,曾子力,吴炳辉,曹昉,毛和旭
39 一种皮革表面增强涂饰剂及其制备方法 中国 ZL201910773942.6 郑南峰,曹昉,吴炳辉